Monday, October 08, 2007

It's been awhile since i posted anything so i thought i would give a quick update on whats been going on!

During our mid-term break i was able to go out to Kakolo to spend time with Helen. I went with her to ladies Bible Study there in Kakolo and also helped a bit in the clinic on Friday. Mostly just packing medicine. On Thursday we went out for a walk. Some of the famers had begun to burn down their gardens so that they could start fresh again. We came upon a house that looked as though their grass roof had caught on fire and was smoldering in the house. We didn't see anyone there so we thought maybe it was planned, but still thought it strange. When we passed on our way back we found the family standing there so we went to find out what happened. They said they left that morning to do the farming and had just now come back to find that their home had burned. The fires that were started to burn down the fields spread and somehow a spark had jumped and caught their grass roof on fire. It then fell into the house and burned all their mattresses, blankets, clothes, and food. Thankfully Helen had some extra blankets at the house and some clothes and food to give them.

The second week of mid-term the Haflers invited me to go camping with their family. We went to Nsobe which is about an hour and a half away from Kitwe. We had a great time!! I actually caught my first fish ever!! I was also able to take the kids out canoeing and we got to see a monitor lizard!!

This month has been a bit busy and will continue on that way! My good friend Beene is getting married on 27 October and she has asked me to be on her line-up! I feel so privleged to be a part of her special day. So the past few weekends we have been busy getting everything organized for the big day! Last weekend we went to see what they could do with my hair since it is a bit different ;) We went to one of salons in town who assured her that they new how to do "mazungu" hair. It turned out ok, but she would like it to be better so we will try again soon!! I can't wait, and don't worry i will take lots of pics so that everyone can see!!

Last week on Thursday i got a text from Helen saying that she was taking care of newborn twins!! The mom had passed away after giving birth and the father asked Helen to care for the twins for a couple of days till he could arrange for someone else to care for the girls. Of course i had to go visit to see these precious little babies!! Sue and i drove out on Friday afternoon to bring some formula and nappies. They were so cute!!! Helen named them Leah and Rachel for the time that she has them. The family was to come today to get them, but i have not yet heard if they came. Here are some pics of the babies....

Me and the babies

Leah and Rachel all bundled up and sleeping!!

Helen and "her babies" ;)

Eva, Jolintha, and Anna Knipe...

Oh whoops... just trying to drive here...


Blogger Unknown said...

Well, well, well... Sounds like you had quite an eventful break! Its sad for the Kakolo family though.... Starting again from scratch with the Zambian economy, i feel for them. Hey am pretty "Happy" or excited for Beene and Kalimukwa too. Wish i could be there! On with the good times!!!!!

1:54 PM  
Blogger Kelli said...

Hey Bri...Sounds like you have been pretty busy! Those little girls are adorable. I am sure you had fun holding them. I wouldn't want to give them back! I hope the father found someone to care for them. Miss you!

1:13 AM  

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