I just thought I would share this with you all becuase I thought it was a good picture of how God is completely in control. I posted some pictures a couple weeks ago of the Kafue river. This is the same river that the children from the orphange cross everyday to attend school here in Riverside. The rains the past couple of weeks have been very heavy and have caused the river to start flooding. They normally took the pontoon boat across but since the water level was rising they could no longer use the pontoon. The children then started taking the boats you saw in my pictures. I don't know if you could see from the pictures but, the boats aren't necessarily
safe. Usually there is one man rowing while the other man is bailing out the water! A week ago, the rain was so bad that it flooded one of the streets that the children use and so they were advised not to come that day for school. Then they were told that the river water had risen a lot and that the current had become very strong and since most of the children do not know how to swim it was decided to let them off of school until a safer way came available. This morning Tori was told that just yesterday as a boat was crossing the river, it capsized! Thankfully the men that were on the boat were able to swim safely to shore. However, the boat never surfaced, or if it did it was way down the river! But if that would have been the children from the orphanage it would have been a much different outcome. Most of the children do not know how to swim and with the current being so strong who knows what would have happened! So we praise God that He is in complete control. He knows exactly what He is doing and we are so thankful that He chose to keep the orphanage children safe all those times they have crossed the river. The children haven't come to school for over a week now, the rains just keep coming. Helen, the nurse out there has a truck that all the kids could pile in the back of, but the cost of gas is too much and right now the road isn't much better. Even four wheel drive vehicles are getting stuck. Please pray for this situation. We know that God knows and that he will provide a way for the children to come back to school, in His own timing!